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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-09 08:31:14  浏览:9704   来源:法律资料网
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第一条 为加强城市商业网点的建设和管理,增强城市综合服务功能,方便居民生产与生活,促进经济和社会发展,根据本省实际,制定本条例。
第二条 本条例适用于本省行政区域内城市商业网点的规划、建设和管理。
第三条 省经济贸易委员会是全省城市商业网点建设管理的主管部门。市、州、县人民政府确定的商业网点行政管理部门是本行政区域内城市商业网点建设管理的主管部门。有关部门在各自的职责范围内,做好城市商业网点建设有关工作。
第四条 城市商业网点发展规划,由规划行政主管部门会同商业网点建设管理主管部门编制并纳入城市总体规划。
第五条 城市商业网点建设必须严格按规划实施,任何单位和个人不得擅自变更。确需变更的,应按原审批程序报批。
第六条 城市商业网点建设应当遵循市场经济发展规律,鼓励多种经济成份并存,采用多种经营方式发展,依法保护投资者的经济利益。坚持统一规划,合理布局,设施配套,规模适度,有利生产,方便生活的原则,根据区域、地段的不同情况,规划相应等级的商业区(街),配置相
第七条 新建居民区,改造旧城区、工矿区,兴建车站、港口、机场和旅游区,对与居民日常生活密切相关的商业网点应同时规划,同时设计,按期交付使用。
第八条 城市建设中需拆除的商业网点,应根据商业网点建设规划,按照有关规定统一还建。被拆除的与居民日常生活密切相关的商业网点以及名店等,应就地或者就近重建,并按规定时间交付使用。
第九条 兴建大中型商业网点,须经当地商业网点建设管理主管部门审查同意后,按基本建设项目审批程序报批。
第十条 新建居民住宅的,建设单位在有关部门进行建设工程初审后,到当地商业网点建设管理主管部门办理商业网点配套建设手续。未办手续的,建设规划部门不予办理施工许可手续。
第十一条 城市新建居民住宅的建设单位,必须按照国家和省规定的比例与标准拨出商业网点用房或者缴纳商业网点建设配套费,配套建设商业网点(以下简称配套商业网点用房),其产权属国家所有。
第十二条 商业网点建设配套费的减免,由商业网点建设管理主管部门按国家和省人民政府有关规定审查批准,其他任何单位和个人均无权决定减免。
第十三条 商业网点建设配套费及其有偿使用的增值收入、配套商业网点用房的增值收入均应纳入财政预算外资金管理,实行财政专户储存。
第十四条 配套商业网点用房主要用于与居民日常生活密切相关的商业网点的经营,由当地商业网点建设管理主管部门管理,土地和房产管理部门应依法办理有关手续。
第十五条 商业网点建设管理主管部门应认真履行职责,加强监督检查。对与居民日常生活密切相关的商业网点,应按规定的服务范围设置。原规划布局不合理的,应分期分批予以调整。
第十六条 违反本条例第四条、第九条,不按商业网点发展规划和建设规划建设大中型商业网点的,由城市规划部门或者商业网点建设管理主管部门责令其停止建设,限期改正。
第十七条 擅自拆除或者毁坏、侵占配套商业网点用房及其设施的,由城市商业网点建设管理主管部门责令其赔偿损失,并可处以三千元以上八千元以下的罚款。
第十八条 违反本条例第十一条,不按规定拨出商业网点用房或者缴纳商业网点建设配套费的,由城市商业网点建设管理主管部门责令限期拨出或者缴纳,并按国家和省规定的比例收取滞纳金。
第十九条 商业网点建设管理主管部门工作人员玩忽职守,徇私舞弊,侵占、截留、挪用商业网点建设配套费的,根据国家有关规定予以处罚。情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第二十条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可依法申请复议或者向人民法院起诉。逾期不申请复议,也不向人民法院起诉,又不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。
第二十一条 本条例应用中的问题,由湖北省经济贸易委员会负责解释。
第二十二条 本条例自发布之日起施行。

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王晓苏:法律硕士 一级检察官
辽宁省本溪市人民检察院 教育处处长


关键词:检察权 定位 配置 运行
Camparing with other litigation theory,the research of the contemporary
procuratorial theories is rather weak.The concept on the science of law of mordern Chinese Procuratorial Power is in dispute.There are some radical problems in the process of practicing procuratorial power and in the mode of it.That effects the process of reforming the administration of justice.The form of the law atribution of procuratorial power and the mode in operation should be improved.?
The author thinks that the procuratorial power should be studied and proofed on the foundation of the exact,stable essential sciecne of law,on that of the construstion and development on Chinese law absorbing the newest achievement about mordern science of criminal procedure,constitution and the national science.?
The purpose of researching the theory is to guide the practice,meanwhile,the analysis of actual procuratorial power is in order to attain the ideal conclusion on it .?
There are two different meanings in the course of the researching the concept and contents of procuratorial power. On one hand:What is its nature and mission ?How to exert it with the current power struture in our country? On the other hand,the procuratorial power will lead to impact on criminal civil and administrative proceedings in the cours of practice in our country as a culture of law and a part of civilization of human beings especially as an important part of the procuratorial system.It should be defined scientfically and become a beneficial chain of every science on laws.?
In the practice,the current form of law structure is in the appearnce of practical form,and the form in reserching is an ideal form-that is called reasonable one,and they integrates with each other.The practical form is the origin of the reasonable one,and the reasonable form must necessarily conduct,amend the practical one,and it will serve for establishing a better practical form.?
The anthor probes into the law of development and effectiveness on the procuratorial power from the course of production and the development of the mordern procuratorial power anylizes the evil of the practical form of procuratrial power itself and its distribution and its mode,points out the author's view.Chinese current procuratorial power is neither executive power nor judicial power nor the mixtuer of the above two powers nor the legal supervision power denified in the Constitution.It is the procuratorial power that fits for the contemporary national structure.?
This work is divided into preface,main body, conclusion including five chapters.?
Preface: A brief introduction on the practical value and the significance on the theory of the researches of Procuraterial Power system.?
The first part fully introduces the concept,the origin of procuratorial power and general meaning of research on procuratorial power,illustrates some conclusions concerning on the procuratorial power.The Chinese contemporay procuratorial power should be exerted only by national procuratorial administration according to the Constitution and law.It can prosecute all the crime publicly ,then check the crime of a particular corpus and support the national interest to basic purpose.?
The procuratorial one is an indcpendent kind of power,opposite to the judicial organ with the qualities of order,and judicature.The charicteristics of the Procuratorial Power are legal,indepence and specialism,order distingushed from executive pwer,judicial power and legal supervision power.The Procuratorial Power is often realized as standard,legal order.?
The second part primarily elaborat the concept of the Procuratorial Power from the legal theory,the national law and the criminal law. “Public Justice Fairy”is the highest state of the corrent judicial state,and democracy is welcome.And this is the purpose of reforming the Procuratorial Power .?
The concept, mode and attribution of the Procuratorial Power are effectivelly interfered by the principles of value.priciple of efficiency and that of litigation of request,procedure of social public welfare.Considering the integration scientifically,we can take the usage of the Procuratorial Power well,at last it can necessarily guide the reform suceessfully.?
The third and fourth part judges the benifits and disadvantages of the current Procuratorial Power analyzing the unreasonable causes because of the interfere of legal.adimnistration.?
The fifth part (Conclusion)illustrates the analyze of the contemprary form of the Procuratorial Power.The author objectirely evaluate the total tendeney of the development, reform and completion.The author brings up the points and suggestions.That is:
Make clear the difference between the legal supervision power and the Procuratorial power.?
Change the mode of the appointment of the prosecutors,the way of management and pratice administration centralization dual system.?
Remove the irrelavant power practiced by the contemprary prosecution.?
Enhance the power of interfering the litigant and national low of civil case and balance the judicial organ and gurantee.?
Abolish the administraltive organization, practice the chief prosecutor to lead the whole prosecutors realize the integration.

英文关键词:Thinking on the concept and content of Chinese current procuratorial power

第一章 检察权概述
第二章 检察权定位的法理思考
第三章 当代中国检察权的职能配置及评断
第四章 当代中国检察权运行模式及评断
第五章 检察权的应然定位及权能培植、运行模式的理性思考

第一章 检察权概述